He feels that if God is your partner, make your plans large.
According to him, the gift of being dyslexic is the ability to focus and defocus at speed without losing the bird’s eye view.
If he has to say what his wealth is - it is to think without greed, without being selfish. With a gratitude for the gift of being selfless, which gives him joy, he does everything without any foul play. He would not do business or a transaction where he would have a sleepless night. He thinks this is the biggest luxury that he has.
He believes that being sustainable is very important. For business strategy, HR policy or any decision in terms of investments or even the way he conducts himself with people, it must be sustainable in the longer run.
Though he has to be firm and sharp, being a task master and a go-getter, working with people and getting things done; but at no point would he be careless about people’s feelings or inconsiderate about vendors or customers, or about finances.
He feels that if God is your partner, make your plans large.
According to him, the gift of being dyslexic is the ability to focus and defocus at speed without losing the bird’s eye view.
If he has to say what his wealth is - it is to think without greed, without being selfish. With a gratitude for the gift of being selfless, which gives him joy, he does everything without any foul play. He would not do business or a transaction where he would have a sleepless night. He thinks this is the biggest luxury that he has.
He believes that being sustainable is very important. For business strategy, HR policy or any decision in terms of investments or even the way he conducts himself with people, it must be sustainable in the longer run.
Though he has to be firm and sharp, being a task master and a go-getter, working with people and getting things done; but at no point would he be careless about people’s feelings or inconsiderate about vendors or customers, or about finances.
There are people have who have worked with Shrenik for 20-30 years. His leadership approach has evolved while working from the ground up and some of his leading tenets are:
According to him, by letting people know that they can fail,
and that they can try harder and get better, you can get the best out of them.
According to him, by letting people know that they can fail, and that they can try harder and get better, you can get the best out of them.
Decision according to him could be at a strategic level or execution level. At the execution level, some of the important elements of his decisions are:
At the strategic level, he believes that decisions may fail at times, but if it is successful once, it is good enough. It is like the famous lion and deer story - for the lion, it is food, and for the deer, it is life. Similarly, he will let go if it is a meal. But if it is life, no matter what, he will keep trying different strategies.
It is nature’s gift that he is bifocal, so he can look at the present as well as 2040, and he enjoys doing that. He plans to assist in setting up a steel plant in the next three years, while overlooking the operations of the current businesses.
He thinks that the future is built by doing the best every day.
copyright © 2021 Shrenik Baldota | All Rights Reserved
Last Updated 15th March 2021